Gods Unchained — First Look at Legendaries — Part 3

Phil Hall
4 min readOct 2, 2018


Greetings everyone! This is the third in my series of very preliminary looks at the Legendary cards for the upcoming online TCG, Gods Unchained.

Previous articles:

In this final installment we get to the big boys (and girls, and … things). All of these Legendary cards cost at least 8 mana to cast.

Deception, Unshrouded. God Power switch that also includes drawing 3 cards. No idea what ‘Larceny’ does, but it sounds like fun!

Magic, Unburdened. Another God Power. This one includes putting all of your opponent’s creatures to Sleep.

Horus, The Protector. First Creature of the bunch, with a solid 6/8 in stats. He also adds ‘Protected’, which is not a listed keyword on the official website. If it’s akin to Divine Shield in Hearthstone, then it means the Protected Creature gets to ignore the next damage it takes.

Merlin. All spells cost 2 less? Sign me up! Plus a 6/8 on top of that?! This seems like a pretty sweet Legendary

Tyr, the Just. Solid stats. Gets nasty when wounded. Could combo well with cards that damage all Creatures

Aeneas. Interesting ability. I’m not familiar enough with all the cards to comment on the effectiveness of getting both ‘Pick One’ effects. But he is a solid 8/5 Creature.

Circe, Vengeful Sorceress. Another card whose effects are based on number of Olympians summoned. I’m sensing a commonality here! Her effect is a Roar, which is good because she is not that strong otherwise.

The Nether Prince. Looks interesting. Hard to have much discussions on the ability without knowing more about Runes. But aside from that, he’s a 10/10, which might be worth 8 mana on its own!!

Mastermind. Mind Probe, eh? I imagine it is something nefarious. Mid-range stats. Interested to learn what effects the Mind Probe might have.

Death, Unborn. Another God Power. Includes a health reset. I wonder if Blight is some sort of all-damaging effect.

Odin, Endless War. This Creature would probably synergize well with an Olympian deck. Or any with lots of little critters.

Hades, Underworld Lord. We definitely have a theme with the Olympians. Numbers, numbers, numbers. They want to bring lots of Creatures out to make use of these special abilities.

War, Incarnate. Another God Power card, though this one also gives you an awesome sounding weapon!

Master of Surprises. This one sounds like lots of crazy fun. Probably not for a truly competitive deck, though it is a strong Creature in stats alone, sitting at 8/8

The Gatekeeper. Good stats (6/8) and also resurrects your dead. Nothing to argue with here. Good potential card for a sacrifice deck.

Anubis, Guide of Souls. Much like the Gatekeeper, but Anubian focused. Also, not nearly as strong.

Avatar of Magic. Beam is a Rare card that is normally 4 mana to cast that does 4 damage to a Creature and 2 damage to your opponent. Getting one of these every turn that only costs 1 mana!? Damn! These 10-cost Legendaries have some pretty kickass abilities. The Avatar is a tough 3/7.

Tyet, Heir to the Sky. 9/9 with Flank (can bypass Frontline) and a Roar that could potentially make it much more powerful. Very strong card.

Arius, Augur Paroxysm. This is an interesting play. You give up everything you have to summon him with the added bonus of removing your opponent’s Creatures as well. I see the word ‘destroy’ is used on the cards. Does that mean their Afterlife effects are not triggered? If they are triggered, that could lead to some interesting cascading effects. Either way, at 16/16, Arius is not here for games!

Light, Ascended. Interesting that this ability affects all ‘2 attack Creatures’. Not 2 or less. Just 2. Also grants the God Power of Shine (details unknown). Presumably it is something nice since this is a 10-cost card.


And with that we are done. It’s been fun to look through these cards and start formulating ideas and theories about how games might play out. I’m looking forward to getting more information about Runes, Constructs, God Powers and other side abilities so that we can start some more serious discussions!

If you found this article useful or entertaining and decide to purchase some cards, please consider using my referral link — https://godsunchained.com/?refcode=0x1fD252771bc2dfd38EC774EFEEB3c6Ab7E8E535B . Thanks!



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